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MessagePosté: Mer 27 Oct 2004 - 20:51 
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Chien de Walt
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Inscription: Ven 01 Oct 2004 - 20:28
Messages: 1737
Localisation: Galactica
SPOILERS sur tous les épisodes diffusés

Et oui, je ne sais pas vous mais j'aime beaucoup les dialogues de Lost :mrgreen:
Je vous propose donc de partager vos citations favorites!

1.01-1.02 Pilote

Jack: "Stop! Her heads does not tilt back enough, you're blowing air into her stomach."
Boone: "Are you sure? That was exactly what I was doing. I'm a lifeguard, I'm licensed."
Jack: "Yeah, well you seriously need to think about giving that license back."
Boone: "Maybe we should do one of those hole things? You know, stick the pen in the throat?
Jack: "Yeah, good idea, you go get me a pen!"

Jack: "It's normal."
Rose: "Oh, I know, I just never been a really good flyer. My husband keeps reminding me that planes wanna be in the air."
Jack: "He sounds like a very smart man."

Jack (to Kate): "Are you ok?"
Kate: "Yeah, I'm fine."
Charlie: "I'm fine... Charlie's fine by the way."

Charlie (to Kate): "I heard you yell. I heard you yell 'Jack'. My name is Charlie by the way."

Charlie (singing): "You all, everybody!"

Shannon: "I've just been through a trauma here okay!"
Boone: "Weve all been through a trauma. The only difference is you've actually given yourself a pedicure since we crashed."

Locke (to Walt): "You're having a bad month."

Hurley: (to the unconscious marshal) "Hey guy you awake? Yo! There's a rescue plane, we're saved. Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! (pause) Yeah, he's out."

Kate: "Put your gun back in your pants, Sawyer."

Sawyer: "...thought it would come in handy. Guess what? I just shot a bear!"

Sawyer: "Probably bear village. How the hell do I know?"

Kate: "How do use a gun?"
Charlie: "I think you just pull the trigger".

Hurley: "What about the B-O-D-Y-S?"
Michael: "What are spelling, man? Bodies?"
Walt: "B-O-D-I-E-S".

Charlie: "It's French! The French are coming! I've never been so happy to hear the French!"

Charlie: "Guys, where are we?"

1.03 Tabula Rasa

Hurley: "Was it a dinosaur?"
Jack: "It wasn't a dinosaur."
Hurley: "If you didn't see it, how do you know it wasn't a dinosaur?"
Jack: "Dinosaurs are extinct."

Charlie: "Men... bloody useless. Who need them?"

Charlie: "They should be able to find us, they have satelites that can read your license plate from outerspace".
Sayid: "Well, it's too bad we're not all wearing license plates".

1.04 Walkabout

Jack: "Sawyer."
Sawyer: "Im right behind you, Jackass."

Shannon: "The ocean's full of fish."
Boone: "Hate to break it to you...the ocean's not gonna take your gold card."

Jack: "We don't have to sort out everybodies God."
Charlie: "Really? Last I heard we were positively made of time."

Jack : "They are gone, we are not."

Jack : " You either have very good aim, or... Very bad aim, Mr..."
Locke : "Locke..."

Jack : "Okay, Mr. Locke, what is it that we're hunting ?"
Locke : "We know there are wild boar on the island. Razorbacks, by the look of them. The ones that came into the camp last night were piglets. 100, 150 pounds each. Which means that there's a mother nearby, a 250-pound rat with scimitar-like tusks and a surly disposition who would love nothing more than to eviscerate anything comes near. A boar's usual mode of attack is to circle around and charge from behind, so I figure it will take at least three of us to distract her long enough for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it, and slit its throat.
Sawyer : "And you gave him his knife back ?"

Jack : "Well, if you've got a better idea..."
Sawyer : "Better than three of you wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk o' ham with nothing but a little-bitty hunting knife ? Hell, no. It's the best idea I ever heard."

Hurley : "Who is this guy ?"

Shannon : "What's a 4-letter word for "I don't care" ? "

Charlie : "I wondered when this was gonna come up... Yes, I am the bass guitarist in..."
Shannon : "Yeah, do you know anything about fishing?"

Hurley : " Aah! Damn it! Crap! Crap! Son of a..."

Sawyer "What's for dinner, honey ?"
Kate : "Not now !"

Locke : "Don't ever tell me what I can't do, ever! This is destiny... This is destiny... This is my destiny..."

1.05 White Rabbit

Sawyer: "You're blocking my light, sticks."
Shannon: "Light sticks, what the hell is that?"
Sawyer: "Light, comma, sticks. As in those legs of yours".

Doctor (to young Jack): "You don't wanna be a hero. You don't wanna try to save everyone. Because when you just don't have what it takes."

Jack: "I can't."
Locke: "Why can't you?"
Jack: "Because I'm not a leader."
Locke: "Yet they all treat you like one."
Jack: "I don't know how to help them. I'll fail. I don't have what is takes."

Locke: "...I'm not a big believer in...magic. But this place is different. It's special. The others don't wanna talk about it because it scares them, but we all know it, we all feel it."

Locke: "...But I have looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw...was beautiful."

Charlie: "Who would you rather meet in a dark alley? One of those things or that old geezer with his 400 knives? I mean who packs 400 knives? I personally have room for 200, 300 at the most

Jack: "Last week most of us were strangers. But we're all here now, and God knows how long we're gonna be here. But if we can't live together...we're gonna die alone."

Claire: "Thanks Charlie."
Charlie: "For what?"
Claire: "People't seem to look me in the eye here. I think I scare them. The baby, like I'm some time bomb responsibility just waiting to go off."
Charlie: "You don't scare me."

Sayid (to Kate): "You go after him now he'll give you nothing. But if you wait, a rat will always lead you to its hole."

Sawyer (to Kate) : "Seeing as you're the new sheriff in town, you might as well make it official."

1.06 House of the Rising Sun

KATE: Hey Charlie, ask Jack about his tattoos.
CHARLIE: Aww. You guys have an inside joke. How absolutely wonderful for you both.

HURLEY: Soooo. What up with you and Kate? You guys gonna move into a cave together or what?
JACK: Sorry, am I high school?
HURLEY: Well, that wasn't a denial.

Charlie: "It wouldn't *be* an irrational fear of bees if I could just pull myself together, would it?!"

Charlie: And someone droped this... *holds up Kate's shirt*
Kate: *grabs shirt* It was full of bees.
Charlie: Full of C's actually. :lol:

Locke: "Just stay calm."

Charlie: "If you two are done verbally copulating, we should get a move on."

Charlie: "You two run away fantastically. I'm glad my diversion spared you. I was only stung several hundred times."

1.07 The Moth

Walt: "We should get Mr. Locke."
Hurley: "Locke's out in the jungle killing stuff."

Sayid: "Thank God for fireworks."

Sawyer: "Thank god for firework smugglers."

Charlie: "Give me my bloody drugs!"

1.08 Confidence man

CHARLIE: It's the best bloody peanut butter I've ever tasted. You want some?

KATE: He says we have a connection.
JACK: *freaks out* Do you?
KATE: *snorts* Please.

Hurley: "Wow man, that was awesome. That was like a...Jedi moment."

JACK: I'm gonna kill him
KATE: That's not gonna help us get the medicine.
JACK: Maybe not, but it'll feel good!

Michael to Jin: "DON'T ... I'm telling you: DON'T."

Jack: I thought you said you were a communications officer?
Sayid: I was. I specialized in making people communicate.

Sawyer: Don't stop now - - I think my sinuses are clearin' up...

Sawyer to Kate: "Baby, I am tied up in an island of mystery and I've just been tortured by a spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine Iraqi soldier ... yes, I'm serious."

Boone: (about Shannon's asthma) "She's been embarressed about it since she was a kid...I guess breathing is cool."

Sawyer: "You know, Ali, I don't think you've tortured anyone in your life."
Sayid: "Unfortunately for us both, you're wrong."

Sawyer: "Hey Jack, there's something you should know. If the tables were turned... I'd watch you die."

(discussing torture)
Jack: "I thought you were a communications officer."
Sayid: "Part of my training entailed getting the enemy to communicate."

Hurley: "I'm a big guy. It's gonna be a while before you're gonna want to give me a piggyback ride, okay?"

1.09 Solitary

Hurley: "Dudes, listen, our lives suck."

Hurley: "We're being chased by boars, monster frickin' polar bears!"
Michael: "Polar bears?"
Charlie: "You didn't hear about the polar bear?"

Sawyer: "a doctor playing golf....well now i've heard everything. What's next? A cop eating a donut?"

1.10 Raised by Another

Hurley: "We got a problem. The manifest. Jack, the census. The names of everyone who survived, all 46 of us. I interviewed everyone, here, at the beach. Got their names. One of them - one of them isn't - Jack! One of them isn't in the manifest. He wasn't on the plane."
Sayid: "We're not alone."

Charlie: (About Claire being in labor) "No ,No ,this is fine. If I can take drugs ,I can deliver a baby."
Claire: "What?"
Charlie: (Panicked) "Wait ,let me explain! I was a drug addict ,but I'm clean now."

Charlie: (About Claire's contractions) "We have to time them right? Okay ,one sugar plum fairy ,two sugar plum fairy......."

Charlie: "What separates us from these bloody yanks if we can't drink tea?"

Charlie (About Claire's diary): "'Dear Diary ,still on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. Love ,Claire."

Hurley: Hey, can I talk to you for a second, yeah I know I already talked to you I just really wanted to get away from him. (talking about Locke)

Le medium: "It is crucial that you yourself raise this child; no one else can raise it"

Locke: "Everyone pays the price now"

Hurley: "Hurley's just a nickname I have. Why? I'm not telling."

Hurley: "So, did you find it?"
Locke: "No, it found me."

1.11 All the Best Cow-Boys have Daddy Issues

Locke: "We'll tie these bands to the trees, so we don't get lost."
Boone: "Can't you just lead us back?"
Locke: "If something doesn't happen to me..."

Boone: "Red shirt"
Locke: "Huh"
Boone: "Red shirt, ever watched Star Trek"
Locke: "Not really"
Boone: "The crew guys that would go down to the planet with the main guys , the captain and the guy with the pointy ears. They always wore red shirts, and they always got killed"
Locke: "Oh yeah, sounds like a piss poor captain"

Boone: "What do you do in the real world Mr. Locke"
Locke: "It's John."
Boone: "John"
Locke: "Why don't you guess"
Boone: "You're either a hit man or a taxadermist"
Locke:"I was a regional collection supervisor for a box company."
Boone: "A box company??"
Locke: "They made boxes"
Boone: *pause* "Yeah right"

Boone: "What are we following?"
Locke: "My gut"
Boone: "Great"

Locke: "So Boone, what did you do in the real world"
Boone: "I run a business"
Locke: "What kind of business?"
Boone: "It's a wedding thing."
Locke: "Huh?"
Boone: "My mother has this empire. the martha stewart of matrimony. I run one of it's subsidiaries."
Locke: "So who's running it now?"
Boone: "Guess it doesn't matter, does it."

Locke: "It's going to start raining in a minute"
Boone: "One minute"
"give or take a few seconds"
*starts raining*
Boone: "They teach you how to predict the weather at a BOX COMPANY!"

Jack's dad: "If you were upstairs, and I was at lunch, why did they call me?"

Hurley: "Dude, would you just roll the dice already?!"

Hurley: "I have a meeting".
Walt : "A meeting?".
Hurley: "Yeah, a meeting."
Walt: "You owe me $20,000"
Hurley: "You'll get it."

Michael: "I'm gettin' sick and tired of being treated like a second class citizen around here because Mt. Baldy can bag a boar."
Walt: "He knows a lot more than how to catch a boar. Mr Locke's a warrior. He can hunt, he can track stuff, and he's the only one who brought knives. So, if it were me... I'd listen to him."
Micheal: "I'm may not be a warrior, but I am heading south."
Hurley: "Back home... I'm known as something of a warrior myself."

Sawyer(to Walt): Who got taken by a what?
Walt: Charlie and Claire. They think Ethan took em
Sawyer: Ethan took em, huh?
Walt: Yeah.
Sawyer: Took em why? And who the hell is Ethan?
Walt: I don't know, he wasn't on the list thing - the manifest.
Sawyer: Do you ever think he mighta lied about his name?
Walt: It's stupid to lie about your name.
Sawyer: Alrighty, Tattoo, where do you think Ethan came from?
Walt: Maybe he was already on the island, 'fore we were.
Sawyer: Got yourself one hell of an imagination, kid.
Walt: There could be lots of other people on the island.
Sawyer: So a tribe of evil natives planted a ringer in the camp to kidnap a pregnant girl and a reject from 'VH1 Has-Beens'...yeah, feindishly clever. And why am I getting the evening news from a 6 year old?
Walt: I'm 10.
Sawyer: Ok, then it MUST be true.
Walt: If you don't believe me, ask Sayid. He said we're not alone.
Sawyer: Sayid's back?

1.12 Whatever the case may be

Jack (to Kate): "I want the truth. Just this once."
Jack: "We're gonna do this together." (opening briefcase)
Kate: "Why?"
Jack: "Because that's what I said we'd do."

Kate (to Jack): "It belonged to the man that I killed!"

Sawyer (grunts): "Me Kate. Me throw Rock."

Sawyer: "Impact velocity. Physics, my ass."

1.13 Hearts and Minds

Hurley (to Jin): Pee on my foot!

Boone: "Stay away from my sister."
Sayid: "What if I don't?"

Locke: "Hi."
Sayid: "I didn't hear you."
Locke: "Sorry, I'm sneakier than I give myself credit for."

Jack: "Put out your hand."
Jack: "You'll like it, I swear."
Kate: "Hm, gross little greyish yellow thingies?"
Jack: "No, these are slimy little blueish black thingies."

Sun: "I took English lessons in Korea. He doesn't's complicated."
Kate: "So why don't you tell him now?"
Sun: "I can't."
Kate: "Why?"
Sun: "Because I love him."
Kate: "I don't..."
Sun: "Have you ever lied to a man you loved?"

Hurley (to Jin): "Are you sure you don't speak English? There's a rumor that you do....You're wife's hot!"

Jack: "What do you think his story is?"
Charlie: "Who Locke? Guys a freak of nature. Highy disturbed. Chances are he probably killed all his mates at the post office the day his mum forgot to put a cookie in this lunch tin. That was my first impression anyway. Then he saved my life."
Jack: "Then you trust him?"
Charlie: "Trust him? No offense mate, but if there was one person on this island that I would out my absolute faith to save us all, it would be John Locke."

Boone (About Shannon): "I saw her die."
Locke: "How did you feel when she died?"
Boone: "I felt...I felt realived."
Locke: "Yes, time to let go."

1.14 Special

Locke: "As long as we're here, I think Walt should be allowed to realize his potential."

Charlie: "I've had my share of manly encounters."
Sawyer: "Good literature is kinda scarce around here."

Charlie (to Sawyer): "You hit like a ponce."

Hurley: "We're having another tournament for the last of the deodorant sticks."

Jack: "What is that?"
Charlie: "Claire's diary."
Sayid: "You read her diary?"
Charlie: "Yeah, I know. I'm bloody scum."

Charlie: "It's weird. I barely knew (correcting himself) barely know her. . . Claire. She's been missing over a week and. . . every day she's gone it feels like. . . bits of me are crumbling or. . . something. . ."

1.15 Homecoming
Jack: "Do you know how to use a gun?"
Sawyer: "Well there's one polar bear that seems to think so."

Claire: "Why would you keep me in the dark, Charlie? I'm already in the dark."

Sawyer: "So Steve drew the short straw,huh?
Hurley: "Dude, the was Scott."

Ethan: "You bring her here. If you don't, i'll kill one of them.

Charlie: "You boys talk about Claire all you want. I'm actually going to go spend some time with her. I get the impression she might still be a tad upset."

Boone (about Ethan): "Do you think he's around?"
Locke: "I sure hope not."

Sawyer: Help? Moi?

1.16 Outlaws

Sayid: "You are not alone, Charlie. Don't pretend to be."

Charlie: "Hurley, look, I appreciate the help. You don't have to. I killed Ethan, I can bury him."
Hurley: "Yeah, 'til he raises from the dead. Dude, I know how this works. This is going to end with you and me running through the jungle screaming crying. He catches me first because I'm heavy and I get cramps."

Kate: "I never wore pink."
[Sawyer drinks.]
Kate: "I knew it."
Sawyer: "The '80's.

Sawyer: "I've never been married."
[Kate drinks a small sip.]
Kate: "It didn't last very long.

Sawyer: "I never cared about having carte blanche because I just wanted to spend some time with the only other person on this island that just don't belong."

Sawyer: "I never killed a man."
[Kate drinks. Sawyer drinks.]
Sawyer: "Well, looks like we got something in common, after all."

Jack (to Sawyer): "Thats why the Red Sox will never win the damn series."

1.17 translation
Charlie: You speak English?!?
Hurley: Didn't see that one coming.

Hurley (after his CD player stops working): "Son of a bitch."

Sawyer : "It's 'Lord of the Flies' time now."

Shannon: (Seeing Locke using a knife to cut a small animal open) "Gross!"
Locke: "'Gross' to you, 'dinner' to me."

Locke (to Shannon): "Everyone gets a new life on the island. Perhaps it's time to start yours."

Shannon (to Sayid): "Perhaps we should get some rope, spend a Saturday night alone together, and see what happens."

Sun: "My husband is many things. But he is not a liar."
Sawyer: "You gonna lecture us about lying, Betty? From the look on his face (pointing to Jin) even your old man here didn't know you speak English!"

Locke: "Sure, you can yell at Boone 'til you're blue in the face, but all you're doing is giving him what he want."
Shannon: "Yeah whats that?"
Locke: "Your attention"

1.18 Numbers
Hurley: "You awake?"
Sayid: "I was wondering that myself."

Hurley: "You must be the French Chick."

Hurley: "I should call 911?"
His mom: "Tell them I broke my ankle."

Hurley: "Back home I'm worth $156 million."

Charlie: "I know food is scarce, but your shirt?"
Hurley: "Hey, when you find a laundromat, let me know."

Hurley: "I think I can make it. I'm spry."

Hurley: (to Sayid) "She says hey."

1.19 Deus Ex Machina

Jack (to Kate on helping Sawyer): "...all I'm gonna get is a snappy one-liner, and, if I'm lucky, a new nickname."

Voice on Radio (to Boone): "No we are the survivors of oceanlic flight 815"

Hurley (About Sawyer's new glasses): "Dude, looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter."

1.20 Do no Harm

Shannon: "Oh, okay. Are you lost?"
Sayid: "No, absolutely not. Those trees look really familiar. It's this way...I think."
Shannon: "Did you just say 'I think'?"

Jack: "You know why they call it a tie? Because you have to tie it."
Silverman: "You know why they call it a clip-on? Because you have to clip it... on."

Charlie: "That dilating thing. How do I look out for that?"

Sarah (toasting Jack): "Because you are the most committed man that I have ever known. Because... you fixed me... I will dance at our wedding. To Jack... my hero."

Jack: "Don't tell me what I can't do!"

Jack (to Kate): "Tell Kate she has to deliver this baby."

Jack: (on Charlie's scant collection of responses to the "blood type" question) "You only asked four people?!"
Charlie: "I asked the whole sodding camp! Nobody knows their blood type! Most don't know their blood type! I don't know my own bloody blood type!"

(Jack has given blood to Boone and is very pale)
Hurley: "Dude, are you okay? You look goth."

Boone: (between raspy breaths) "I know you made a promise. I'm letting you off the hook. Let me go, Jack."
Jack: "I'm sorry."
Boone: "Don't be."

Boone (to Jack): "Tell Shannon... tell Shannon... tell her..." (Boone dies)

Jack: "Boone didn't die, he was murdered."
Kate: "Where are you going?"
Jack: "To find John Locke."

Jack: "Hurley, I swear to God, if you faint-!!"
Hurley: "No. First-class, mesh. I'm cool. Lord in Heaven. . ."

1.21 The Greater Good

Sayid: "I didn't know Boone very well, and for that I am sorry. On our sixth day here a woman named Joanna died. She drowned. And Boone was the first one into the water. I didn't know him, but I remember his courage. And I know he will be missed."

Charlie (singing to Turniphead): "The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout, down came the rain and drowned the spider out. . ."
Hurley: "Dude, it's washed. . . washed the spider out. Unless it's some kind of British version?"

Kate: "Hey, brought you something to eat."
Jack: "What's in it, chloroform?"

Locke: (about Boone's death) "... it happened because he was trying to help us. He was a hero."

Kate: "You had no choice."
Sayid: "There's always a choice." (Edit)

Shannon: "You asked if you could do anything for me."
Sayid: "Anything."
Shannon: "John Locke killed my brother. Would you do something about that?"

Sayid (to Locke): "Take me to the hatch."
Locke: "What? I told you...."
Sayid: "No more lies."

Charlie: "You get some rest, and I'll take care of Turniphead."
Claire: "Turniphead?"
Charlie: "Yeah, it's what I'm calling him until you name him. His head looks like a turnip."

Kate: "I crushed up some sleeping pills and put them in your juice."
Jack: "You drugged me?"
Kate: "Yeah."

Hurley: (after singing "I Feel Good" to the baby) "Dude, that's all I got.

Sayid: "I know what it cost you to do what you did. Thank you."
Locke: "I did it because I sense you might be our best hope of surviving here. But I don't forgive what you did, and I certainly don't trust you."

1.22 Born to Run

Locke: "Why would Kate poison Michael?"
Hurley: "Well, you know, the whole fugitive thing.
(Jack looks at Hurley) He doesn't know? (Jack shakes his head). Well how am I supposed to keep straight who knows what around here? I mean, Steve didn't even know about the polar bear."

Tom: "No self-respecting man in Iowa goes anywhere without beer."

Sayid (to Jack and Locke): "You notice anything about this hatch? There's no handle. Could the reason for that be more obvious? Maybe it was never meant to be opened from the outside."

Kate: "Why is it so important for you to be on that raft?"
Sawyer: "'Cuz there ain't anything on this island worth staying for."

Walt: "Don't open it. Don't open that thing."
John Locke: "What thing? What are you…"
Walt: "Just don't open it!"

Michael (to Jack): "You and Locke kiss and make up?" (Jack shakes his head) Good."

Charlie: "Okay, check this out...this is track two, its called (Clarie tries to stop him from moving) sorry, its called 'Monster Eats the Pilot.'"

Sawyer: "Don't worry pudding, your secret safe with me. But just so you know. . . no way in hell you're getting my spot on that raft."
Kate: "Hey, Sawyer. I want your spot. . . I'll get your spot."

Charlie: "Driveshaft's albums must have spiked when everybody found out that I died in some catastrophic plane disaster. But when I come back alive ... it's going to be insane!"

1.23 Exodus, Part 1

(Sawyer singing Bob Marley)
Michael: "You singing Bob Marley?"
Sawyer: "No. (little pause) Why? You like Bob Marley?"
Michael: "Man, who doesn't like Bob Marley?"

Charlie (describing the "message in a bottle" theory): "You know---'Dear Mom', I'm on the island, everything's fine---unless, of course, the black smoke people turn up---love, your-name-here. It's for when they [the survivors on the raft] get rescued, so they can contact your family."

Ana-Lucia: "Your dad died."
Jack: "I thought you didn't hear what I was yelling about."
Ana-Lucia: "I was being polite."

Hurley: (responding to what Danielle said about the Black Rock) "Well that's three reasons to go there."

Cop: "You're a blight. A stain. You prey on the weal and needy. Tell me James, how do you live with yourself?"
Sawyer: "I do just fine."

Sawyer: "Kids are like dogs. You knock 'em around enough, they think they did something to deserve it."

Danielle: "You have three choices: run, hide or die."

Arzt: "You know what? I'm going back."
Jack: "Hey. I thought you wanted to help."
Arzt: "Yeah, I wanted to help, but that was before Montand lost his frickin' arm."

Walt: "Why are you folding clothes?"
Shannon: "Because I'm anal."

Hurley: "So, Arnzt."
Arzt: "Arzt."
Hurley: "Yeah, Arnzt. Your name's hard to pronounce."
Arzt: "Well, I know a bunch of ninth graders who have no trouble saying it."
Hurley: "Fine. I'll just call you by your first name. I know it from the passenger manifest."
Arzt: "No,"
Hurley: "Why not? I think Leslie's a bitchin' name."
Arzt: "Call me Arnzt."

Shannon: (while describing Sayid to the Airport Cop) "Ummmmm... Arab."

Danielle: "Here we are...the Black Rock."

1.23-24 Exodus, Part II

Hurley: "Whoever named this place 'dark territory'. . . genius."

Jack: "Everyone wants me to be the leader until I make a decision someone doesn't like."

Hurley (to Kate after Arzt blew up): "That was messed up."

Sawyer: "Who the hell is Hugo and how did he get $160 million to leave to his mama?!?"

Hurley: (to Jack) "Dude, you got some Arzt on you."

Hurley: "How exactly does something like this happen?"
Danielle: "Are you on the same island as I am?"

Sun: "Do you think all this, all we've been through — do you think we're being punished?"
Shannon: "Punished for what?"
Sun: "Things we did before. The secrets we kept. The lies we told."

Locke: "You're a man of science. I'm a man of faith. Do you really think all this is an accident? That we, a group of strangers, survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? You think we crashed on this place by coincidence? Especially this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason — all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason."

Jack: I don't believe in destiny.
Locke: Yes you do, you just don't know it yet.

2.01 Man of Science, Man of Faith

Hurley: Great, go look in the burning death hole.

Hurley: You know that thing that doctors have...the one where they're supposed to make you feel better just by talking to you?
Jack: Bedside manner.
Hurley: Yeah, that...well, yours like, sucks.

Hurley: (telling Jack about the "numbers") ....I was in a psych ward for a while, and this guy...Leonard...he kept repeating these numbers over and over---4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. I guess they must have got stuck in my head. So, when I got out---well, shortly after, like a couple of months after---I was buying a frozen burrito when I decided I should play the lottery, and since the only numbers I could think of were those numbers, I played them. And I won...$114 million. But then, after, bad things started happening all around me---my grandpa died, my house burned down, the chicken place I worked at was hit by a meteor.... well, actually that would have been a meteorite... So tonight, I saw those same numbers stamped into the side of that hatch thing, and I knew we couldn't open it.
Jack: were in a psych ward?

Kate: What do I say if I want to stop?
Locke: (surprised) Stop?

Dernière édition par Merry le Ven 23 Sep 2005 - 16:06, édité 16 fois.

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MessagePosté: Jeu 28 Oct 2004 - 04:43 
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Inscription: Lun 11 Oct 2004 - 05:44
Messages: 112
Génial, ce topic :) !!

Merci Merry pour tous ces instants de bonheur "Lostesques" !! :D :mrgreen:

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MessagePosté: Jeu 28 Oct 2004 - 04:57 
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Chien de Walt
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Inscription: Ven 01 Oct 2004 - 20:28
Messages: 1737
Localisation: Galactica
Spoilers épisode 6

House of the Rising Sun
(à modifier peut-être et d'autres à venir)

Charlie: When you guys are finished verbally copulating...

KATE: Hey Charlie, ask Jack about his tattoos.
CHARLIE: Aww. You guys have an inside joke. How absolutely wonderful for you both.

HURLEY: Soooo. What up with you and Kate? You guys gonna move into a cave together or what?
JACK: Sorry, am I high school?
HURLEY: Well, that wasn't a denial.

Charlie: "It wouldn't *be* an irrational fear of bees if I could just pull myself together, would it?!"

Charlie: And someone droped this... *holds up Kate's shirt*
Kate: *grabs shirt* It was full of bees.
Charlie: Full of C's actually. :lol:

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MessagePosté: Lun 01 Nov 2004 - 05:19 
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Vieux fauteuil roulant rouillé
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Inscription: Jeu 30 Sep 2004 - 21:25
Messages: 23
Localisation: Montréal
Merry a écrit:
Spoilers épisode 6
Charlie: And someone droped this... *holds up Kate's shirt*
Kate: *grabs shirt* It was full of bees.
Charlie: Full of C's actually. :lol:

:rire: Celle ci m'a faite marrer pendant 5 bonnes minutes après qu'il l'ait sorti! Et le petit sourire qui en dit long qui va avec en plus :tong:!

Excellente idée ce topic, j'y contriburais bien ... si tu n'y avais pas déjà tout mis. ;)


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MessagePosté: Lun 01 Nov 2004 - 12:42 
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Inscription: Ven 24 Sep 2004 - 21:27
Messages: 185
Localisation: Marseille
Le "verbally copulating" est fantastique !

Je suis une mouche posée sur sa bouche
Elle était nue on aurait cru
Le paradis tant elle était jolie

 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: Ven 05 Nov 2004 - 19:51 
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Chien de Walt
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Inscription: Ven 01 Oct 2004 - 20:28
Messages: 1737
Localisation: Galactica
Mise à jour avec l'épisode 7 :tong:

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MessagePosté: Sam 06 Nov 2004 - 11:23 
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Inscription: Ven 09 Juil 2004 - 11:41
Messages: 5644
Localisation: Dans la jungle, terrible jungle...
1.04 Walkabout

Jack : "They are gone, we are not."

Jack : " You either have very good aim, or... Very bad aim, Mr..."
Locke : "Locke..."

Jack : "Okay, Mr. Locke, what is it that we're hunting ?"
Locke : "We know there are wild boar on the island. Razorbacks, by the look of them. The ones that came into the camp last night were piglets. 100, 150 pounds each. Which means that there's a mother nearby, a 250-pound rat with scimitar-like tusks and a surly disposition who would love nothing more than to eviscerate anything comes near. A boar's usual mode of attack is to circle around and charge from behind, so I figure it will take at least three of us to distract her long enough for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it, and slit its throat.
Sawyer : "And you gave him his knife back ?"

Jack : "Well, if you've got a better idea..."
Sawyer : "Better than three of you wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk o' ham with nothing but a little-bitty hunting knife ? Hell, no. It's the best idea I ever heard."

Hurley : "Who is this guy ?"

Shannon : "What's a 4-letter word for "I don't care" ? "

Charlie : "I wondered when this was gonna come up... Yes, I am the bass guitarist in..."
Shannon : "Yeah, do you know anything about fishing?"

Hurley : " Aah! Damn it! Crap! Crap! Son of a..."

Sawyer "What's for dinner, honey ?"
Kate : "Not now !"

Locke : "Don't ever tell me what I can't do, ever! This is destiny... This is destiny... This is my destiny..."

:: Lost Island :: Lost Forum ::

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MessagePosté: Dim 07 Nov 2004 - 21:08 
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Inscription: Ven 05 Nov 2004 - 11:53
Messages: 2
Luthien a écrit:
Merry a écrit:
Spoilers épisode 6
Charlie: And someone droped this... *holds up Kate's shirt*
Kate: *grabs shirt* It was full of bees.
Charlie: Full of C's actually. :lol:

:rire: Celle ci m'a faite marrer pendant 5 bonnes minutes après qu'il l'ait sorti! Et le petit sourire qui en dit long qui va avec en plus :tong:!

Excellente idée ce topic, j'y contriburais bien ... si tu n'y avais pas déjà tout mis. ;)

Tu peux la traduire ? car je comprend pas trop le Full of C's ?

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MessagePosté: Dim 07 Nov 2004 - 21:12 
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Chien de Walt
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Inscription: Ven 01 Oct 2004 - 20:28
Messages: 1737
Localisation: Galactica
c'est intraduisible...
bees se prononce comme B's...
B et C sont des tailles de bonnet de soutien-gorge... :mrgreen:

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MessagePosté: Dim 07 Nov 2004 - 23:20 
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Inscription: Ven 05 Nov 2004 - 11:53
Messages: 2
ah ok...
capito thx merry

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MessagePosté: Jeu 11 Nov 2004 - 05:00 
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Chien de Walt
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Inscription: Ven 01 Oct 2004 - 20:28
Messages: 1737
Localisation: Galactica
j'en ai ajouté pour le 1.08... mais il en manque plein vu que je comprends rien quand Sawyer parle :mrgreen:

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MessagePosté: Ven 12 Nov 2004 - 22:18 
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Inscription: Ven 24 Sep 2004 - 21:27
Messages: 185
Localisation: Marseille
J'ajoute le dialogue entre Charlie et Hurley :rire:
-sorry man, no peanut butter, no peanut, no, nothing.
-yeah but, it's gonna be something, i mean, look at you.

Je suis une mouche posée sur sa bouche
Elle était nue on aurait cru
Le paradis tant elle était jolie

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MessagePosté: Sam 13 Nov 2004 - 00:23 
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Red shirt
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Inscription: Ven 05 Nov 2004 - 16:32
Messages: 80
C'est clair que Sawyer est quelque fois assez dur à comprendre.
Sur ce site dans informations/Lost il y a les transcript de ses scènes, ça peut aider :wink:

Hurley : I mean, that was like a... jedi moment.

Boone : I guess breathing's not cool.

¤~ Horizon ~¤
¤ Living is easy with eyes closed ¤

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MessagePosté: Ven 19 Nov 2004 - 20:26 
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Chien de Walt
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Inscription: Ven 01 Oct 2004 - 20:28
Messages: 1737
Localisation: Galactica
voilà, petites updates du 1.09... et j'ai rajouté les quotes données par cyb à la liste aussi... :mrgreen:

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MessagePosté: Lun 22 Nov 2004 - 12:34 
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Inscription: Mar 12 Oct 2004 - 16:06
Messages: 4
Cette série n'est pas riche en "quotes", comme si l'ile déserte ne se prêtait pas aux conversations "intelligentes". Les "Oh Dude..." de Hurley en sont un bel exemple.

Les paroles échangées entre Kate et Sawyer sont à mon avis les meilleures car pleines de sous-entendus. Sawyer cherche à provoquer et séduire Kate, elle lui répond avec des répliques cyniques et peu aimables. Le début d'une relation complice et tumultueuse qui a aboutit au fameux baiser. :mrgreen:

Le Pilot

Kate - You decided to join us.
Sawyer - I'm a complex guy, sweetheart.

Sawyer - I know your type.
Kate - I'm not so sure.
Sawyer - Yeah. I've been with girls like ya.
Kate - Not girls exactly like me.

Ep. Walkabout

Sawyer - The mighty huntress returns. What's for dinner, honey?
Kate - Not now.

Ep. House of the Rising Sun

Kate - Still haven't answered my question.
Sawyer - You didn't answer mine. And I asked first.

Ep. The Moth

Kate - I get it now. You don't want off this island because there's nothing for you to go back for. Nobody you miss and no one misses you.
Sawyer - Oh, are you feeling sorry for me?
Kate - I don't feel sorry for you. I pity you.
Sawyer - All you had to do was say please.

Kate - You're here to help?
Sawyer - Hey. You act any more surprised, I'm gonna get offended.

Sawyer - So what is it about that guy? Jack. What is it about him that makes you all ... weak in the loins?
Kate - Try to be a pig or does it just come naturally?
Sawyer - So he's a doctor, right? Yeah, ladies dig the doctors. Hell, give me a couple of band-aids, a bottle of peroxide, I could run this island too.

Ep. Confidence Man

Kate - What do you want for the inhalers?
Sawyer - Ah, good question. Hang on a tick. What do I want? A kiss ought to do it.
Kate - What?
Sawyer - A kiss. From ya. Right now.
Kate - I don't buy it.

Kate - So, I'm here. Where is it?
Sawyer - Happy to tell ya. As soon as I get that kiss.
Kate - What? Are you serious?
Sawyer - Baby, I'm tied to a tree in the jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a genuine Iraqi. Of course I'm serious. You're just not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. Are you really gonna let that girl suffocate 'cause you can't bring yourself to give me one little kiss? Hell, it's only first base. Lucky for you, I ain't greedy.
Kate - ... Okay. :tong:

Ep. Solitary

Sawyer - I got two tubes of sunscreen and a flashlight says he chokes.
Kate - I'll take that action.

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